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Cookie Policy

What are cookies?


Every time you visit a website, a cookie file is saved to your device. This stores the website’s name and gives you a unique ID so it knows you’ve been there before.


Cookies can also be used to store other information including:

  • How long you spend on the website

  • The links you’re clicking on

  • The options, preferences or settings you’ve chosen

  • Accounts you log into

  • The pages you’ve visited

  • Which items you’ve placed in a shopping basket


By analysing your behaviours, many websites can deliver a tailored browsing experience for you.


What cookies are used on the websites across GiB Enterprises Ltd. and its trading styles/brands?


All of our websites are built using Wix, and the essential cookies they utilise are as follows:

Cookie Name: XSRF-TOKEN

Purpose: Used for security reasons

Duration: Session

Type: Essential

Cookie Name: hs

Purpose: Used for security reasons

Duration: Session

Type: Essential

Cookie Name: svSession

Purpose: Used in connection with user login

Duration: 12 months

Type: Essential

Cookie Name: SSR-caching

Purpose: Used to indicate the system from which the site was rendered

Duration: 1 minute

Type: Essential

Cookie Name: _wixCIDX

Purpose: Used for system monitoring/debugging

Duration: 3 months

Type: Essential

Cookie Name: _wix_browser_sess

Purpose: Used for system monitoring/debugging

Duration: session

Type: Essential

Cookie Name: consent-policy

Purpose: Used for cookie banner parameters

Duration: 12 months

Type: Essential

Cookie Name: smSession

Purpose: Used to identify logged in site members

Duration: session

Type: Essential


Cookie Name: TS*

Purpose: Used for security and anti-fraud reasons

Duration: session

Type: Essential

Cookie Name: bSession

Purpose: Used for system effectiveness measurement

Duration: 30 minutes

Type: Essential

Cookie Name: fedops.logger.X

Purpose: Used for stability/effectiveness measurement

Duration: 12 months

Type: Essential

Cookie Name: wixLanguage

Purpose: Used on multilingual websites to save user language preference

Duration: 12 months

Type: Functional

Some of these cookies may not be deployed on any of the sites operated by GiB Enterprises Ltd. and its trading styles/brands

Other cookies utilised by 3rd party plugins/apps may be deployed when you visit websites owned/operated by GiB Enterprise Ltd. and its trading styles/brands


How do you change cookie settings?


The following links explain how to access cookie settings in various browsers:

To opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics across all websites, visit this link:


What happens if I reject cookies?


You may be unable to utilise some functionality on some websites

You will be served with a generalised browsing experience instead of a tailored browsing experience


Find out more about cookies at

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